Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kansas and Dodge City

Hi There!
Friday August 21st
Well, the drive through Kansas took FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you can fit about a million CT's into Kansas. It was hot hot hot driving through the state, and when we stopped at Dodge City, I thought we were going to fry on the sidewalk. Tim will post the photos in a blog shortly. That visit was fun, but we really wanted to push on and try to make Santa Fe by Friday night. Kansas is beautiful and the skies were perfect as was the entire day. The only problem was we were driving forever. We decided to try to make it to Santa Fe and we had booked a great hotel right outside of Santa Fe called the Buffalo Thunder Resort and Casino. The best part of this really long long car ride was watching the sunset over the plains of Kansas, past the grain elevators, and the stock yards, and herds of cattle, windmills and towns so tiny they are just a dot on the map. Tim was an expert driver, because those towns are really cagey! We are traveling along at a great 65 miles per hour, and suddenly up pops some grain elevators, suddenly we are in a town, and the speed limit drops to 30 miles per hour with the nearby sheriff just lurking at that very exact spot. The vistas of the land coupled with the most beautiful skies I have ever seen, bluest of blue and huges puffs of clouds with the most exotic of shapes coupled with the most perfect sunset into twilight made that whole ride wonderful even though we were really pooped by the time we arrived at the hotel close to 11pm Mountain time. Who knows what time is it? We are lucky if we can remember what city or town we are in when we wake up in the morning!! We are having a blast of a time, enjoying each other and the people in the cities and towns around us, having great dinners, breakfasts and snacks and deciding where to stay each night. Tim will post our Dodge City and Santa Fe photos.
I fluctuate between thinking we brought too much stuff and then I cannot find a sweater to wear at night when it cools down because I didn't pack it. Ha. We cannot wait to see Brittany next and then visit Andrew and then head off into the sunset up the Pacific Coast Highway.
Tim & Gail

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying each other! What is that supposed to mean? NO CELL PHONE, NO TEXTING, ETC. while driving!
