Thursday, August 27, 2009

On to San Diego, Brittany and Reed

After leaving the man in Yuma Arizona, the Riders continued onto San Diego to visit Brittany and Reed. The drive took us through the Santa Anna Mountains. I have never seen so many rocks in my life.Piles and Piles of rocks. The whole mountains seemed to be made up of boulders large and small.
After cresting the range some small valleys began to appear and they were lovely. However I am convince that this is home to more than one cult. In fact if I were to start a cult this is where I would have my home base. If anyone is interested, please send me $100. We can figure out what to worship later. Gail says she will take care of the details.
We met Brittany and Reed and ate dinner by the San Diego Harbor. They both look great and are doing very well. We miss them both very much.
After dinner the Riders started off for Los Angles, the big city was calling. Gail will blog LA, but suffice to say Andrew also looks great and is doing well. He is making a lot contacts and getting some work, someday he may even get paid. It amazes me in Hollywood how many people work for little or no money. If we could get state employees in Connecticut to work like they do in Hollywood the budget crises would be over.

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